Technical leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in data science,big data and enterprise systems. Experience in leading data science teams , architecting and developing scalable products .
Tavant Technology
Undertone Data Management System: Used Hadoop API to process big data for ELT
jobs on AWS, to extract information in order to predict and maximise the success
rate of advertising contracts.
● Sega Corporation: Analysed various SEGA games' usage data to gain information on
users’ behaviour, in order to provide SEGA a better understanding of their games
and prediction of the popularity of various stages of the game.
Media Iq Digital
Computational Advertising: Developed machine learning algorithms for various
computational advertising tasks on huge volume of data (Terabyte as atomic unit)
with 25% improvment in accuracy compared to sales team prediction.
● Enhancement of existing Click-through Rate Prediction System by applying
regression model, spline techniques, random forest and tree based models.
● Miq Cloud Optimisation: Optimisation of various Big Data pipelines by implementing
various Mining Massive Data Algorithms, which in turn results in saving a lot of
computational time, cost in millions and faster execution.
Times Internet
Real Time System for Times Video Platform: Developed real time system for MX
Player app to get user’s statistics, app statistics to understand web traffic and further
improve content delivery and recommendation engine for the app.
● Develop and refine algorithms for topic extraction, trend detection and relevance
ranking for Trends ranging data volume in petabytes
Building quadrical AI engine for structured data for classification problem in
ecommerce industry.
● Developed end to end scoring pipeline for best model export in order to predict RTO
● Handled data upto billion transaction to support on quadrical engine by developing
framework - End to end pipeline for model parallelism and data parallelism using
multi GPUs .
developed a platform for global model for all merchant and architect their
● full ownership to successfully onboarding biggest merchant snapdeal to gokwik
platform to predict better rto than existing model .